Fifa manager 14 steam download
Fifa manager 14 steam download

fifa manager 14 steam download

The game also takes a visual leap forward with higher resolution graphics, numerous new fan banners that create a livelier atmosphere in the stadiums, and fans now wear shirts, scarves and jackets that show off their team colours. Using the new Squad Planner feature, players can plan their future team in detail, see the impact of integrating potential newcomers into existing teams and try out new players. Players now consider more than 40 criteria when making their decision on whether or not to transfer to a new club. Once again, the transfer market is the heartbeat of FIFA Manager 14. Contracts with football players, their training, pumping of their own football academy, expansion of the stadium – these and many other factors are the responsibility of the manager.

fifa manager 14 steam download

It will be necessary to be responsible for all the nuances in the preparation of the team, from the composition and tactics to the financial component. FIFA Manager 14 continues the tradition of this simulation game series in which you run your very own soccer club.

Fifa manager 14 steam download